The CIN (Corporate Identification Number) is a unique identifier assigned to companies registered in India. It’s a 21-digit alphanumeric code that is used by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to track and regulate corporate entities.
Key Points about CIN:
- Structure: The CIN is made up of the following parts:
- First Character: Represents the industry code (e.g.,
for Unlisted Companies, L
for Listed Companies).
- Second Character: Represents the state in which the company is registered (for example,
for Karnataka, DL
for Delhi).
- Third Character: A number that signifies the type of the company, such as
for a private limited company.
- The Remaining Digits: A unique number assigned to the company by the registrar.
- Purpose: The CIN is used to:
- Identify the company.
- Verify its registration status and legal structure.
- Check the company’s filing history, including tax filings, audits, and financial records.
- Where to Find CIN:
- It’s typically listed on the company’s official documents like the certificate of incorporation, financial statements, or any government-issued communications.
- Importance:
- CIN is important for any formal business activity or verification and is required for opening a bank account, filing taxes, and other official purposes.
- It helps businesses comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
If you need a CIN for a specific company, you can find it on official documents or by searching through the MCA’s online portal.
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